
grid 0.1°
step 3h
prog 72h

MeteoConsult - European Coast

grid 0.1°
step 3h
prog 48h

Skiron - Mediterranean

grid 0.1°
step 3h
prog 120h
or 1h/72h
size 5 Mb

Use the download option of your Grib file viewer to obtain Grib files from the 0.25 or 0.50 degree GFS model.
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Open WRF - Med and E. Atlantic Coast

grid 0.1°
step 3h
prog 120 h

size 5 Mb

grid 0.03°
step 1h
prog 48 h

size 5 Mb

grid 0.1°
step 1h
prog 96 h

size 5 Mb

Meteo France Arome - Around France

grid 0.025°
step 1h
prog 36 h

size 5 Mb

Meteo France Arpege - Europe